Announcing the 2023 Greater Sacramento Life Sciences Report


Greater Sacramento Economic Council, Colliers, 与世邦魏理仕发布特别合作报告,独家报道农业食品科技

Sacramento, CA | September 19, 2023大萨克拉门托的生命科学产业正在加速发展. 今年在美国生命科学领域的增长排名第二, 萨克拉门托是一个以十大网投官方入口大学戴维斯分校为中心的新兴科学驱动创新集群的所在地, the number one U.S. university for agriculture and forestry and veterinary medicine. There have been a multitude of agri-food tech, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, 医疗器械公司在整个地区扩张,以利用该地区的人才. 为了满足日益增长的需求,市场正在上涨,计划将其规模扩大近两倍.3 MSF life science inventory with an additional 5.5 MSF of planned projects in the pipeline. In this collaborative report, Greater Sacramento Economic Council, Colliers, 和世邦魏理仕概述了萨克拉门托地区在支持这一充满活力的行业方面的许多优势, covering trends and data points in population, talent, education, real estate, company success stories, quality of life, 和创新资产,以教育潜在公司评估首都地区的诱人价值主张.

“生命科学行业是我们在大萨克拉门托的关键行业之一,随着公司在我们的市场中成长和扩张,我们将重点关注这个行业,” said Greater Sacramento Economic Council President & CEO Barry Broome. “我们目前是该国第二大增长的生命科学市场, which speaks volumes to our talent and workforce pipeline.”

The Sacramento region’s six counties have 2.拥有600万居民,与旧金山湾区共享劳动力, the nation’s second largest life sciences market. 过去三年,大萨克拉门托地区出现了强劲的净移民和不断增长的人口,而许多主要市场的人口却急剧下降. With world class talent, Greater Sacramento has more than 718,100英里内的两年制和四年制大学招收了1000名学生, more than Raleigh, Denver, and Seattle. 萨克拉门托的生物科学家密度也是全国平均水平的两倍多, maintains 25,800 jobs in food and agriculture, 由于当地创业公司的强劲增长和新公司进入市场, 在过去五年中,生命科学领域的就业是否实现了快速增长. 寻求扩大本地业务规模的生命科学公司已采取租赁办公空间的方式, industrial, 或者是由于缺乏专门为这些创新企业建造的空间而建造的柔性建筑, however, 随着大萨克拉门托为满足当前和未来的需求而规划和正在进行的新开发项目,这种情况开始发生变化. 

“对于大萨克拉门托地区来说,这是一个非常令人兴奋的机会,不仅可以使当地公司生产他们开发的产品, without having to leave the region, 同时,通过精心设计先进的制造建筑来吸引新公司,以适应它们的发展,” said Scott Bennett, Executive Vice President at Colliers Sacramento.      

生命科学公司正把目光投向大萨克拉门托,因为该地区令人向往的生活质量, affordable cost of living, reasonable real estate costs, expanding scientific talent base, and new developments coming to the market. 除了现有的跨区域创新资产和1.1 MSF Aggie Square in Sacramento underway, 西萨克拉门托的另外两个转型项目即将到来,总计2个.4个MSF组合包括Blue Rise Ventures和Fulcrum Property在Bridge区的Port Food and Science和BioSpace. 

2023 Greater Sacramento Life Sciences Report

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(916) 287-9072

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高力国际是一家领先的多元化专业服务和投资管理公司. With operations in 66 countries, our 18,000名富有进取心的专业人士通力合作,为客户提供专业的房地产和投资建议. For more than 28 years, 我们经验丰富的领导层和重要的内部所有权为股东带来了约20%的复合年投资回报. With annual revenues of $4.5 billion and $98 billion of assets under management, 高力国际最大限度地挖掘房地产和实物资产的潜力,以加速客户的成功, our investors and our people. Learn more at, Twitter @Colliers or LinkedIn.

About CBRE
CBRE Group, Inc., a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Dallas, 是全球最大的商业房地产服务和投资公司(基于2022年的收入). 该公司拥有约115,000名员工,为100多个国家的客户提供服务. 世邦魏理仕为不同类型的客户提供综合服务, including facilities, transaction and project management; property management; investment management; appraisal and valuation; property leasing; strategic consulting; property sales; mortgage services and development services. Please visit our website at

About Greater Sacramento Economic Council
大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂,专注于增长, sustainability, equity, and competitiveness. The organization spearheads community-led direction to retain, attract, grow, and scale tradable sectors, develop advanced industries, and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方政府和州政府之间的合作, market leaders, influencers, and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving inclusive economic growth. The Greater Sacramento region was founded on discovery, built on leadership, and fueled by innovation.

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